My Message to JCPS Staff, Administrators, Board Members, and Students…. You Matter

Yesterday JCPS honored the many students who went to Frankfort to testify for causes near and dear to their heart, ranging from fighting racist “anti-CRT” bills and bigoted bills that would keep transgender girls from participating in sports, to supporting the CROWN Act, which would prevent discrimination of black people based on their hairstyles.   I wrote something in their honor.  

You Matter!

A few short years ago, the phrase “you matter” might have led to an inspiring story about a teacher whose message of empathy and caring helped a school become better.   Not today.  Just a couple of weeks ago, these words on a middle school whiteboard in Estill County ignited a firestorm that led to a teacher quitting amid threats of violence.    

At one point in my life I would have never imagined telling kids that they matter would be controversial.   But sadly, after watching years of rhetoric attacking public education, I’m no longer surprised.  In today’s culture of manufactured outrage, districts like JCPS are ground zero for attacks on those who tell kids that they are important and that they matter.   The simple act of making sure that kids see representation of themselves in history, literature, the arts, science, and math leads to accusations of schools and teachers being “woke”.  Personally, I’m fine with that.  I learn very little while I’m asleep.  And while the majority in Frankfort are all too happy to lay back and count their sheep, I’m happy to see those that care are awake and making their voices known.   

The truth is that kids DON’T matter to many in power in Kentucky, beyond using them to score cheap political points.  The students you honored today showed great courage in going to a legislature that has little in common with them.  They gave powerful testimony on why anti-CRT bills were a threat to them, why their gender identity and sports participation were important to them, and why their hairstyle shouldn’t be an impediment to their education, their job search, or any other aspect of their lives.      And in response, the majority in the Kentucky General Assembly looked at them, thanked them, and either continued passing bills that would harm these kids, or in the case of the Crown Act, pretended like they actually cared about it, only to let the bill die before ever getting a vote.   The majority ignored educators and elected officials from Louisville’s West End when pushing new profit-centered education bills, and made clear their derision and scorn for minorities of every stripe in their rhetoric, their social media posts, and their comments about their communities.  Saying that these kids matter scares the majority in the legislature because educated and caring kids are a threat to everything they stand for.     

Well I’m here to push back, and to applaud our teachers, administrators, students, parents, school board members, elected officials, and community members who work every day to show up and say that all of our children matter.   

Teachers and staff. I appreciate the long hours you put in daily.  I see the time, talent, and personal treasure you put into students. I acknowledge that you care about kids and want them to succeed, and that many of you take on the pain and hurt that your students feel daily.  I see the many societal and economic factors that make your job more difficult and acknowledge that blaming educators for every problem facing our youth is simply unacceptable. Most of all I appreciate your commitment to honoring the needs of your diverse student body.  I say to you that YOU MATTER. 

Dr Pollio and Administrators.  I appreciate your renewed dedication to making positive changes for those who traditionally have had the least representation in JCPS and your stand for diversity, inclusion, and equity.  I acknowledge your straightforward approach and honesty and that you’re always striving to do better.  And I appreciate you speaking out to defend our schools and educators.    YOU MATTER.   

School board members.  I know the many long hours you put in answering e-mails, attending JCPS events, talking to JCPS families, and preparing for and attending meetings on a variety of issues.  While you are some of our lowest paid public officials, you all take great pains to understand the issues, read up on educational matters, understand the impacts of policies, and advocate for Jefferson County’s children, unlike many in our General Assembly, including those in Jefferson County.    While we may disagree on certain issues, I don’t doubt that any of you want what is best for our children.   YOU MATTER.

In closing, I hope that the students that JCPS honored and their peers walk away from this legislative session not disheartened, but angry and determined to help make the changes necessary in Frankfort to tell future generations what the board and Dr. Pollio have told them on April 12th.  YOU MATTER.  YOUR VOICE MATTERS.   And because YOU MATTER, you can change the world for the better.   

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