What Are Daniel Cameron's Values?

 On July 16, 2023, Daniel Cameron tweeted the following message on his campaign's Twitter account. 

What exactly is Daniel Cameron trying to say?  If people believe that Andy Beshear is a good governor and share what he believes in, are we not Kentuckians?  Did I miss a sudden influx of outsiders in the last election that tossed the vote toward Andy Beshear?  Was Andy Beshear born and raised in another state called Kentucky? I can only find one on my map.   

I've watched Andy Beshear the last four years, and I'm having a hard time understanding what values Andy Beshear has that Daniel Cameron feels aren't Kentucky values.   

Is it the idea that during a pandemic you should take steps to protect people from being infected?

Is it realizing that you can support the efforts of law enforcement while still condemning systemic abuses and bad police officers?   

Is it the idea that a child's physical and emotional well-being is best addressed by their parents and trained doctors and not by a group of Frankfort politicians?    

Is it the idea that it's wrong to bully kids and their parents to score political points?  

Is it the idea that a young girl raped by her father should not have to face the double trauma of carrying that child to term AND having to inform the father of her abortion?   

Is it the idea that the health records of women should be private between her and her doctor and not open to the Attorney General?  

Is it the thought that racism within your party should be wholeheartedly condemned?  

Is it thinking that it's  bad for the top law enforcement official in the state to celebrate the endorsement of a sexual abuser who is under a number of federal indictments?

I grew up in Kentucky and I remain confused as to what "Kentucky Values" means to Daniel Cameron. I assumed that it meant trying to be a decent person to others and doing unto others as you wish done unto you.  The vibe was more Andy Griffith's Mayberry and less Handmaid's Tale's Gilead.  

I don't think even Daniel Cameron knows what his values are beyond whatever the loudest voices of his party are shouting at him this week.  Cameron's behavior does not reflect that of a decent person who wants what is best for others.  Instead Cameron is like a robot programmed to spout the most divisive and hateful of GOP talking points.  It's as if he cynically feels the only way to win over Kentuckians is embracing the worst in people.   I guess that's a value set, but it's not one I want to see in my Governor, and it's not one this Kentuckian holds.   

Andy Beshear isn't perfect.  No politician is.  But it's clear from his behavior and his term as Governor that he's a decent person trying to do what is best for Kentucky.  Those are values I can get behind and will support this fall.      

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